Saturday, October 24, 2009

Instead of using the Marx Generator proposed by Winterberg am I using a superconductor ring in the application of AU3 to 3H & C2. I quote the Winterberg Principal "capacitor banks in the megajoule range using the Marx circuit technique, or, perhaps more efficiently, by an electrostatic energy system based on charging a superconducting ring to very high voltages."Whereas: AU3 is the superconductor and C2 is the high voltage arc combined with H3 results in micro-fusion and the production of gamma rays and a isomer of C2.Then we go into physics: The C2 atom, excited nucleus, with two MO electrons put through a polariton laser, results in the creation of one polariton and one electron and a nucleus for each atom. Then the polaritons and electrons attract magnetically to other like subatomic particles with their nuclei causing a reaction in which atoms bond together in a chain reaction. Like bucky balls carbon structure. As long as you have the modified C2 as fuel, the reaction would take place, The results would be like lighting, carbon charged particles seeking ground.The funneling of the output of polaritons/electrons and nucleus through a orifice would create forward thrust or a beam of electricity

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


when you take the combination of 3h, au3, c2, and n2 and fuse them, you get among other things, an isomer of c2. this isomer, when put through a politarton laser separates the electrons and politartons. this is so because you have excited the c2 isomer thus creating electron holes.

the result of this is a electron/politarton beam, much like lighting. this beam, when aimed at something, will completely destroy it.

Monday, September 7, 2009


My name is Ron Waters. I spent most of my life working in aerospace as a contract negotiator. I am neither a physicist or a chemist, I'm a futurist. So you will have to Forgive me if my terminology not correct.
Since my work involves the future and what things will be like in the days to come I'm very concerned with the environment and particularly with energy I've given much thought to the matter and come up a how to convert the hydrogen in water plus diatomic carbon to electricity. The chemical formula for doing this consists of:

When the 3H plus AU3 plus C2 plus N2 are heated together it causes fusion which produces a isomer of C2 put through a polariton laser, which separates electrons from polaritons subatomic matter, thus creating a chain reaction of a electron beam. This beam put through a orifice directs the flow of subatomic partials to a capacitor the subatomic particles are positively charged and negatively charged electricity. When a positive charged matter comes in contact with the condenser it is converted to direct current are alternating current.
This experiment is like taking lightning from the sky and convert it into domestic electricity. The potential power available is beyond calculation. The only raw materials needed is a chemicals stated above which can be purchased at small expense or manufactured at low cost.
In the process above, you see the use of AU3, a catalyst for the reaction necessary for fusion. This is because monatomic gold is the superconductor and according to the WINTERBERG principle it would be a easier way of producing a chemical reaction then by other types of reactors.
The essence of this study is the chemical C2 which is in great abundance coming from the Sun, as a additional ray, and is the source of electricity/ I has been proven that C2 comes from the light of comets which are just a reflection of the Sun's rays, therefore, the concentration of C2 would be greater coming directly from the Sun.
Number one: that electricity can be made from chemicals.
Number two: the ultimate power of electricity is the Sun which produces C2.
Number three: a Polariton laser can convert electrons to polaritons.
Number four:AU3 is a viable chemical superconductor
A progress report made each month during the course of this project.
A final report in three copies.